There are as many ways to celebrate life's events - weddings, re-commitment ceremonies, baby naming ceremonies - as there are people celebrating. Your ceremony should be about you - together we'll make that happen.

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Welcoming your new baby...

You may choose to celebrate your new baby's arrival with a non-religious naming ceremony. A quick search online will list hundreds of ways to make your ceremony unique. You could write a poem or reading or find one written by another. Choose a song to play or share the story of how you came to choose the baby's name.

You may want to involve siblings, grandparents, "god" parents, friends or others who will be involved in the life of your child. Siblings should have a place of honor in the ceremony - if time allows, have each child create a picture of him/her with the new baby. During the ceremony, ask the child(ren) to share what they drew and explain what it is. Or, frames the pictures and have the child(ren) present the picture to the baby during the ceremony.

Consider asking each guest to bring their favorite "growing up"  or child-related quote to the event which you can then paste into a special "baby" book along with a picture of the author and little bit about who he/she is.

Or, steal an idea from the bride and provide a picture matte and pen for guests to sign as they arrive. Create a collage of the ceremony pictures, frame with the picture matte and hang in your baby's room.

Whatever you decide - have the ceremony you want and the celebration your family deserves!