There are as many ways to celebrate life's events - weddings, re-commitment ceremonies, baby naming ceremonies - as there are people celebrating. Your ceremony should be about you - together we'll make that happen.

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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Recently I attended a shower for a family friend - she is a delightful young woman engaged to a wonderful young man.  Seeing these two together, sharing a quiet moment here and there, unwrapping gifts and oohing and aahing over each present got me to thinking about the months before a wedding, the many events and moments that will fill them with joy and the decisions that go into ensuring that their special day will be just that - special, fun-filled, memorable.

Planning is key to your wedding's success and starting early gives you lots of time to think about those minutes  that set the tone for your wedding day - the moments you exchange vows and rings before being pronounced wed for life 

I've started meeting with couples planning summer weddings and look forward to learning more about them.  Together we'll take their dreams and ideas and shape them into a ceremony they'll remember forever.  And just as importantly, a ceremony that will make them smile and fill them with joy!