There are as many ways to celebrate life's events - weddings, re-commitment ceremonies, baby naming ceremonies - as there are people celebrating. Your ceremony should be about you - together we'll make that happen.

Read more about my services here or email me today.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

So much fun at the marriage of Luciana and Phil Spagnuolo in Billerica - beautiful setting, lovely friends and family and delicious smells emanating from the kitchen! Congrats Luciana and Phil - wishing a lifetime of joy for your both!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

So excited to partner with Kimberlee Bowen of To Make Beautiful, a make up artist and Esthetician. Kim is offering a $10 wedding day make up discount if yuou mention that you saw her link here!  Call Kim at 617-413-1915 or email her at