There are as many ways to celebrate life's events - weddings, re-commitment ceremonies, baby naming ceremonies - as there are people celebrating. Your ceremony should be about you - together we'll make that happen.

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Monday, July 20, 2015

Second stop on Friday was in Gloucester at the beautiful Cruiseport to officiate the wedding of Lia and Kevin. 
The wedding party was stunning  (thanks in part to Kim Bowen of To Make Beautiful and her make up artistry) and the bride was breathtaking!  It was fun working with the bridal party, moms and dads and the staff at Cruiseport - but  without doubt, Kevin and Lia were wonderful and worked hard to ensure that every aspect of their wedding was just what they wanted! Wishing them a lifetime of love and happiness!
Such a busy Friday - first stop was to officiate the marriage of Grace and Tyler - assisted by their beautiful little girls, their families and friends! 

It was an absolutely beautiful ceremony for a beautiful couple - warm and personal!  Wishing them a lifetime of love, happiness, health and prosperity!